Tree Surgeon/Arborist Local Tree Surgery Services based in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.
We cover many areas including: Beaconsfield | Buckinghamshire | Chilterns | High Wycombe | Maidenhead | Marlow | Aylesbury | Gerrards Cross
We offer the following professional
Tree Surgery, Tree Surgeon/Arborist services:
Tree Pruning
Tree Felling
Tree Planting
Tree ID and advice
Tree Restoration/Conservation - Ancient Trees
Tree Stump Removal/ Grinding
Tree Surveys - Inspection/Planning Permission/ TPOS/ Liaison
Hedge Care/Planting
Woodland Management
Roadside tree management
Thinking ahead.
We all have to take responsibility for our trees. Especially those which might potentially endanger members of the public. At the same time, we naturally want to maintain a pleasant environment for the future.
You might want to consider a regular maintenance plan to prevent any problems from emerging down the line. Every type of tree is different in terms of its biological makeup and it is financially beneficial to get it right.
At R B Tree Masters, we can help you to identify your trees and determine their species.
We can also offer a range of specialist tree services:
Tree Pruning
Pruning can be an essential operation for maintaining trees in order for trees and people to live without conflict. We take great care to apply high standards of pruning and work closely with industry-proven best practices to ensure the best possible long-term health and minimize costs and risks in the future. It’s important to get a professional to do this job, or you may find you’ve left the tree vulnerable to decay and structural failures.
There are, of course, different approaches to pruning.
With Crown Lifting, the lower branches are removed to give clearance below.
Some trees are suitable for Crown Reduction, which can help reduce the risk of limb failure depending on careful analysis of the trees and the immediate environment and alter the wind loading or canopy development.
The Pollarding technique is a form of management practice for particular types of trees such as Willow, Poplar, and other reactive species and means cutting back heavily to reduce the number of points in which reactive growth will occur.
Tree Felling
Felling is usually a last resort if the options above aren’t feasible or if the tree is unsafe or needs to be removed for some other reason.
In a straight fell, we take the tree down to ground level, but it’s also possible for one of our team to climb the tree and dismantle it in sections – which may be the only option in a confined space.
We are very conscious of habitat issues and take seriously our responsibility to wild birds and bats, which are legally protected.
Tree Planting
In the interests of the environment, we’d usually encourage our clients to plant a replacement tree as part of any felling process.
Unsure about what to plant? We can advise on appropriate species and take charge of the whole process for you. Hedgerow planting using specialist equipment allows a efficient, consistent and calculated rooting environment to maximize tree vigour and vitality.

Removal of a Beech infected by Meripilus Giganteus
"In every walk with nature,
one receives more than he seeks"
John Muir
Tree conversation and preservation
We all have a duty to protect and preserve long-standing trees. If you feel that there may be something wrong as a result of pests, disease or weather conditions, ask R B Tree Masters to conduct an expert survey.
Tree Surveys
We conduct surveys for commercial and highways clients to mitigate risks posed to the public. It's possible we may need to climb the tree, take photos and employ equipment that detects decay. We can help with any liaison over planning permission and tree preservation orders.
Tree removal and grinding tree stumps
If you’re left with an unsightly stump when a tree is felled, we usually recommend a method of removal that doesn’t involve chemicals. Grinding out the stamp will allow you to replant afterward in the same location, remove a hazard or improve the aesthetics of the area.
Looking after hedges
Hedges for habitat. It’s best to work on maintenance before the spring when birds might be tempted to build a nest in certain hedges. Hedgerow coppicing can be an effective method of reducing costs and increasing habitat diversity increasing planting options.
Your choice
Your decisions are the most important part of the process, and our goal is to achieve what you require. We will always strive to provide any additional information that will help in situations where needed.